
Wsdot Collective Bargaining Agreement

While we know that sacrifice is necessary, we are also aware of the essential services that state employees provide to all Washingtoners. Our work at the negotiating table is currently aimed at alleviating this sacrifice – preserving jobs and maintaining the level increases that the state has proposed to suspend until the two-year period. We also have a number of changes to contract wording on the table, including language to keep unfounded claims out of performance evaluations, and a shorter timeline for management to respond to leave requests. We were also able to maintain the WSDOT PE Incentive Memorandum of Understanding. You can find a list of changes to contract 2021-23 in this summary document and we also have the full version of the agreement red line for you. The completed contract will be available in the coming months, once state legislatures approve the budget and the governor signs the final document. Provisional agreements negotiated from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023 if financed by the legislator. Links to agreements negotiated by public universities. Meet the PROTEC17 bargaining team, which will be negotiating virtually with the state during the COVID-19 pandemic. Agreements in force for the period from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2021. Secondly, we worked hard to reach agreement on other economic and non-economic aspects. Instead of proposing a full contract extension, we took the opportunity to make positive changes to the contract wording described in this summary document. We also have the full version of the agreement red line for your review.

Find out how the collective bargaining process between unions and the state works. After the onset of the pandemic and the realization that this year`s negotiations would be very different, we sent you a survey asking you about your priorities in the face of the catastrophic economic situation, which includes a budget deficit of about $9 billion by the 2021-2023 biennium. Brent Wagar (Southwest Region)800-783-0017 Ext. 131 PROTEC17 will continue to work with our union and community allies in the next Legislature to fix Washington State`s upside-down tax structure that imposes a disproportionate tax burden on workers. Hopefully, the new revenues we generate from this action will further mitigate the cuts needed to get our state back on track and work for workers. Alexis Young (North Central and South Central Regions)800-783-0017, ext. 103. Despite these temporary cuts, it is more important than ever to be a member of a union. Many unrepresented employees did not receive their COLA in July 2020. Because you have a union, we were able to negotiate the economic impact of this pandemic on our conditions.

Workers who do not have a union have no say in how their employers deal with economically uncertain situations and are at the mercy of their employers` whims and unilateral decision-making, for better or for worse. Protec17 state members voted to accept the Agreement-in-Principle (AT) with Washington State for the 2021-2023 Collective Agreement (CLA). Voting was closed and counted on October 1 in time to be included in the Governor`s proposed budget for the next two-year period. Their PROTEC17 2021-2023 state contract negotiation team met with executives from the agency and the Office of the Governor of Financial Management (OFM) on September 9 and 16 to continue discussions on contract changes and the economy. While the discussions have been productive, we do not yet have an Agreement-in-Principle (AT) to put you to the vote – but please keep an eye on the voting materials in your personal inboxes before the legal deadline of October 1. We have another session for the 24th. September and hope to obtain technical assistance at this meeting. The June 10 negotiation meeting for the 2021-2023 contract was the first opportunity for the state to adopt its first proposals, which included some responses to PROTEC17`s initial proposals. In addition, the PROTEC17 team proposed other amendments to the contract, including the renewal of a WSP letter of intent; changes to overtime rules; overtime between shifts for WSP staff; clarification of the temporary notification of the schedule change, the seniority of WSP staff and the rules for breaking; and other additional leave. Our next meeting is scheduled for June 24, where we will have a better picture of the state`s economic outlook for the next two-year period. We will continue to work with our EU partners to develop strategies on how to deal with economic negotiations in the face of an unprecedented hole in the national budget. A big thank you to everyone who responded to our last survey on this year`s round of bargaining.

On May 20, the PROTEC17 State Bargaining Team held its first meeting with the Office of the Governor of Financial Management (GFO) and the Management of State Agencies to negotiate the 2021-2023 contract. For the first time ever, negotiations were conducted via video conference, while the stay-at-home order and the covid-19 governor`s phased reopening plan remain in effect. Recognizing the need for huge budgetary savings, we have tried to be creative in proposing treaty changes that would lift morale but cost the state little or nothing. Unfortunately, the state has not been receptive to our innovative proposals. Measures such as casual clothing for Washington State Patrol (WSP) communications officers and Saturday holidays for licensing service (LSR) representatives so they could secure a three-day weekend were rejected with apparently little consideration. But we humbly present this treaty to you, our colleagues, without any recommendations, but with the certainty that we have received the best possible treaty at a time of unprecedented uncertainty. Sarah Lorenzini (Ferries, Northwest Region, Olympic Region and Head Office)800-783-0017 ext. 110 Bonnie Caress, DOL Russ Hallgren, WSP Chanel Johnson, DOL Daniel Jones, WSDOT John Kleinkopf, WSDOT Anthony Madsen, DOL Mindi Mezek, WSP Steve Morgans, WSDOT Faith Shuler, WSDOT Christina Belt, WSP (Alternate) Bill Hicks, WSP Subject Matter Expert We have over 1300 expert members working for WSDOT in offices throughout Washington State, that keep our roads safe and implement the necessary infrastructure projects to keep us moving forward. But as state employees, we knew that sacrifices would be needed to balance the state budget within the next two-year period.

Therefore, public servants will not receive a COLA for the two-year period 2021-2023. In addition, we have agreed to take one day off one day per month for the two-year period, with the possibility of negotiating a reduction – or elimination – of these vacation days prior to implementation in July 2021 at the request of one of the parties. Rest assured that we will make this request. Their PROTEC17 team presented our initial proposals to TOM, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the Department of Licensing (DOL) and the Washington State Patrol (WSP). .